The Fertility Center of Las Vegas

The FCLV team explains the types of patients who make good candidates for IVF

When you receive an infertility diagnosis and start to explore fertility treatments, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. At The Fertility Center of Las Vegas (FCLV), our Las Vegas infertility doctors take the time to explain your options. Your doctor will review your medical history and test results to determine which treatment will be the most likely to help you become a parent. Here, our team explains what types of patients make good candidates for IVF.

First, what is in vitro fertilization?

In vitro fertilization is an advanced and highly effective fertility treatment. It involves multiple steps to help patients welcome a healthy baby.

Ovarian stimulation involves taking medications to stimulate egg production, and it also requires patients to attend several monitoring appointments.

Egg retrieval occurs as a short outpatient procedure at our clinic to retrieve the mature eggs from the ovaries.

Fertilization happens in the IVF laboratory, and it involves combining the eggs with sperm to create embryos.

Embryo transfer involves one of our Las Vegas infertility doctors transferring one healthy embryo to the uterus.

Together, these steps have made pregnancy and parenthood possible for countless men and women around the country and the world.

What types of patients make good candidates for IVF?

When possible, our Las Vegas infertility doctors start patients with basic treatments like fertility medications or intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, in vitro fertilization is sometimes the best treatment option for a patient. Good candidates for IVF include the following groups of patients.

  • Women over 35 who have been unable to conceive for over six months
  • Women who are hoping to have more than one baby to complete their family
  • Patients who have a diagnosis of endometriosis or tubal infertility
  • Women who have frozen their eggs for future use
  • Men with severe infertility causes, such as having a very low sperm count
  • Couples who have had multiple miscarriages or who haven’t found success with other treatments
  • Patients who are carriers of a genetic disease and want to decrease the risk of having an affected child
  • Patients who want to perform genetic testing for chromosome analysis or gender selection
  • Women who are interested in shared conception with one parent providing eggs and the other providing the womb

In some cases, our doctors may recommend using donor eggs with in vitro fertilization. This can be the best option for patients with a very low egg supply due to age, premature menopause, cancer treatments or other reasons.

Get the fertility treatment and support you need at FCLV

If you’ve been trying to conceive but keep seeing negative pregnancy tests, the team at FCLV can find the cause and help you overcome it. Our team will answer your questions, including which patients make good candidates for IVF, and develop a customized treatment plan to help you welcome a baby. Contact us to schedule an appointment and get started.