The Fertility Center of Las Vegas

Learn how we can help you conceive in your 30s and 40s

Female fertility decreases over time, which can make it more difficult to conceive in your 30s and 40s. If you’re thinking about conceiving or struggling to welcome a baby, our Las Vegas fertility center is here for you. We provide consultations to help women learn more about their fertility and how we can help them start or grow their family.

Using our knowledge and experience, we’ll review your unique situation and test results to determine what steps you need to take to become a mother. From there, we’ll work with you to achieve your family-building dream.

We are here for you—at every age and stage! Our Las Vegas fertility center is proud to offer consultations to help you conceive in your 30s and 40s. Complete the form for more information.

Conceiving in your 30s

If you’re in your mid to late-30s and you’ve been TTC on your own for six months, don’t wait to get help. A healthy 30-year-old woman has about a 20% chance of conceiving each month, but once you reach 35, it may take much longer to get pregnant naturally, or it may not be possible to conceive without medical help. Women older than 35 also have a greater risk of miscarriage.

Our Las Vegas fertility center can perform a comprehensive fertility evaluation to assess your ovarian reserve, find out if you’re ovulating, and identify any blockages or structural issues that could prevent pregnancy. We will also order fertility testing for your male partner to determine whether there are enough normal sperm present to achieve fertilization, as a male factor contributes to couples’ infertility in about two out of three cases.

Conceiving in your 40s

At age 40, even healthy, fit women have less than a 5% chance of getting pregnant each month. As you age, your eggs are more likely to have genetic abnormalities that make it difficult to conceive, increase miscarriage risk, and raise the odds of having a child with a genetic condition such as Down syndrome. This is why our Las Vegas fertility doctors recommend that if you’re trying to conceive (TTC) in your 40s, it’s extremely important to see a fertility specialist immediately, rather than continuing to try on your own for months or years.

A few women in their early 40s may be able to conceive with their own eggs, by using IVF with preimplantation genetic testing. However, frequently this aggressive type of IVF does not work, and patients need to use eggs from a younger, healthy donor. After age 42, most women who are trying to conceive do so using IVF with donor eggs.