The ReceptivaDx Test can identify hidden problems in the uterine lining
Sperm count and egg supply aren’t the only things that matter when you’re trying to conceive. Your uterine lining is also incredibly important. However, some problems have traditionally been difficult to detect. That’s changing with the ReceptivaDx Test, which looks for BCL6 and CD138 – both indicators of issues with the uterine lining.
With this test, the doctors at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas can determine if issues such as endometriosis or endometritis are making pregnancy more difficult. Using this information, our team can design a fertility treatment plan to make pregnancy possible.
What is the ReceptivaDx Test?
This is the first test that can detect inflammation in the uterine lining, which often indicates endometriosis. This is a condition that causes the uterine lining to grow outside of the uterus. Not only can it cause pain, but it is also a leading cause of infertility and embryo implantation failure.
However, some patients with endometriosis don’t have any symptoms. This asymptomatic, or silent, endometriosis can still interfere with fertility. It does so by making it more difficult for a fertilized egg, or embryo, to implant in the uterine lining.
How does this test work, and what are BCL6 and CD138?
If your doctor decides that the ReceptivaDx Test is right for you, you’ll visit our Las Vegas fertility center for an endometrial biopsy. This test can occur as part of a natural menstrual cycle or during a mock cycle. This test may be done with or without anesthesia.
- Your doctor will use a speculum to see the cervix.
- After cleaning the area with iodine, the doctor will place a catheter into the uterus.
- Using light suction, your doctor will remove small pieces of the uterine lining.
- After removing the tissue, our team will send it to a specialized lab for testing.
- Our office typically receives the results within five to six business days.
The testing facility will look for two genetic markers in each sample.
- BCL6 identifies the inflammation that we often see with asymptomatic endometriosis.
- CD138 can identify endometritis, or chronic bacterial infection of the uterine lining.
The BCL6 marker appears in more than 50% of women with unexplained infertility. It’s also present in 65% of women who have had two or more failed IVF cycles.
Who should consider the ReceptivaDx Test?
Not all patients will need to undergo this type of testing. However, our Las Vegas fertility center team may recommend it in the following situations.
- Unexplained infertility
- One or more failed IVF cycles
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
It can also be a good option for patients who have limited embryos or coverage for IVF.
What are the treatment options for a positive test?
If your ReceptivaDx Test is positive, there’s no need to panic. Our Las Vegas fertility center offers many treatments that can help you bring home a baby.
- Hormone therapy can suppress inflammation due to endometriosis and treat progesterone issues.
- Laparoscopic surgery can remove any problematic endometriosis tissue.
- Antibiotics can resolve infections in the uterine lining.
Your doctor will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan in the face of a positive test result. With an accurate diagnosis and a clear path forward, you can make your dream of parenthood come true. Contact us to learn more.