From trying to conceive to treatment
When trying to conceive a baby, many people start doing online research. That’s when they discover a whole online community of people who are TTC, or trying to conceive, discussing their fertility challenges and treatments. But before you jump too deeply into the online world of TTC, a word of caution from our Las Vegas fertility specialist: No two cases are alike.
Whether you’re a couple struggling with infertility, an individual or an LGBT couple who needs donor eggs, donor sperm or a gestational carrier to conceive, your situation is unique. Online communities can be a great source of support and information, but only a qualified reproductive endocrinologist can create a targeted treatment plan to help you grow your family.
Testing for people who are trying to conceive
If you’re trying to conceive, the first step is fertility testing, which provides information that your fertility specialist can use to decide which treatment would work best for you.
For men, fertility testing begins with a semen analysis. For this test, the male partner provides a sample of ejaculate, which is examined in our andrology lab to determine whether enough healthy sperm are present to achieve pregnancy.
Female fertility testing involves blood tests, a physical exam, and an ultrasound of your reproductive organs. Together, these results can indicate whether any structural, hormonal or ovulatory issues may exist that could interfere with your ability to conceive.
If you are a woman who is younger than 35 and has been trying to conceive for a year or longer, it’s time for both you and your partner to get answers. And, our Las Vegas fertility specialist notes, if you are 35 or older, the time limit for trying on your own should be six months before you and your partner seek help. The same age guidelines apply to same-sex couples or single individuals who hope to become parents using their own sperm or eggs, as both men’s and women’s fertility declines naturally over time.
If you’re trying to conceive on your own, a few factors may increase your chances of success.
- Find out when you ovulate by using drugstore ovulation predictor tests.
- Don’t use lubricant, unless it’s specially developed to be sperm-friendly.
- Both partners should cut back on caffeine and alcohol, and quit smoking altogether.
- Be sure your male partner avoids overheating his testicles in hot tubs, saunas or baths.
- If you’re overweight, shed pounds with a healthy diet and exercise.
- If you’re underweight, take in more calories while cutting back on exercise.
If you’ve determined which day of your cycle you ovulate, and you’re timing intercourse at the right time but still not conceiving, fertility testing can likely determine why.
While it’s easy to assume that it’s a female problem, that’s often not the case. About 50% of cases of infertility are at least in part due to a male factor. Both the female and the male partner need fertility testing when trying to conceive has been unsuccessful.
Next step: fertility treatment
If fertility testing reveals an issue with either your partner’s sperm or your own reproductive system, try not to worry. Depending on your diagnosis, advanced treatment options are available to help you overcome infertility and have a healthy baby.
To learn more about trying to conceive and fertility testing, contact us to schedule a consultation with a Las Vegas fertility specialist.