The Fertility Center of Las Vegas

The Fertility Center of Las Vegas is Nevada’s first infertility clinic and is renowned for research that advances the science and practice of reproductive endocrinology.

Already recognized for our pioneering efforts in the field of reproductive medicine, we continue to develop techniques that make IVF safer and more effective than ever before. Our current research focuses on maximizing the success of IVF through careful attention to egg and embryo development and uterine preparation. This research has improved IVF safety while leading to some of the highest reported success rates in the world.

Our doctors’ voluminous research has been presented at both national and international conferences, and has recognized The Fertility Center of Las Vegas for our stellar pregnancy rates.

The Promises We Make To You

Here at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas, many of our patients face challenges posed by infertility, while others, such as same-sex couples or LGBT individuals, need the help of a donor and/or gestational carrier to achieve parenthood. Every patient’s circumstances are unique and require varying levels of oversight and sensitivity, which is why we have assembled a team of professionals, specializing in IVF and third party reproduction, who are committed to your success.

  • Our entire care team is committed to your physical and emotional wellbeing, and we gladly hold your hand throughout your journey to parenthood.
  • Whether you speak English, Chinese, French, German or Spanish, we have a bilingual IVF coordinator ready to translate and guide you through the complex IVF process.
  • Because ongoing patient communication is integral to a meaningful patient experience, we are available for you when you need us.