Dr. Shapiro to share single embryo transfer research at ASRM 2017
People travel from all over the world to our Las Vegas fertility center for a good reason – our reproductive endocrinologists are among the best in the field, and they are innovators who are changing fertility care for the better on a global scale. Two of Dr. Shapiro’s research studies showing that frozen/thawed embryos implant more readily than fresh embryos were called “two of the most important trials performed in IVF in the past 10 years” by Jacques Cohen, the Editor in Chief of the medical journal, Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
At the upcoming ASRM Scientific Congress and Expo, Dr. Bruce Shapiro will lecture the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility interest group on the proper conduct of research, and Dr. Carrie Bedient, will study leading-edge research while sharing their own insights with their peers on groundbreaking topics, including single embryo transfer.
The ASRM Scientific Congress gives reproductive endocrinologists and other reproductive medicine professionals a valuable opportunity to explore the newest innovations and research in the field. At the event, which takes place October 28 – November 1, Dr. Shapiro will be giving a presentation on “Implementing Research in Your Everyday Practice,” and will share three research abstracts.
The latest research on single embryo transfer and IVF
Two of the abstracts co-authored by Dr. Shapiro explain recent research that supports elective single embryo transfer and “freeze-all” IVF, in which embryo transfer is delayed until after an IVF cycle and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is employed to reduce the risk of transferring a chromosomally abnormal embryo.
A third abstract examines the effectiveness of a specific anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test.
- Routine transfer of multiple embryos is no longer necessary to achieve high rates of healthy singleton births in women up to 42 years old.
- Blastocyst vitrification and PGS have facilitated “freeze-all” cycles, benefiting both the patients and laboratory.
- The report of AMH for predicting premature ovarian failure using the Access 2 Immunoassay is consistent with published data using earlier ELISA-based AMH assays, and supports that AMH may be a useful biomarker for assessing ovarian reserve as part of evaluation for women considering IVF.
“Freeze all” cycles followed by single embryo transfer have become the standard of IVF care at our Las Vegas fertility center, resulting in high pregnancy and live birth rates with greater safety and improved infant health over the obsolete approach of transferring multiple embryos in order to compensate for inferior implantation rates with fresh transfers. Because achieving success with just one embryo reduces the risk of a high-risk multiples pregnancy, our clinical goal can now be summed up with just five words – “one embryo, one healthy baby.”
Infertility pioneers
The abstracts submitted by Dr. Shapiro add to the wealth of fresh research to be presented at ASRM 2017. Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Bedient look forward to attending the event’s lectures, poster sessions and other educational and networking activities to explore the most current research available in the field of reproductive medicine.
To learn more about single embryo transfer or freeze-all IVF, contact us to schedule a consultation at our Las Vegas fertility center.