Fertility Fact or Fiction – FOX 5 News
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Many women have frozen embryos they might elect to use in the future. The usual practice at most clinics is to freeze embryos at the blastocyst stage. Some may want pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or screening (PGD or PGS) of their embryos before future transfers. This testing might be desired for a variety of reasons, such as to rule out embryo aneuploidy and ensure the normal number of chromosomes are present,
There are two main types of IVF cycles. These are fresh embryo transfer and frozen-thawed embryo transfer.
Fresh embryo transfer is the most common, and is associated with national average live birth rates of about 45-50% per transfer and implantation rates in the 30-40% range in patients less than 35 years of age.
Most hopeful parents would be delighted to have an infant of either gender, boy or girl. However, for various reasons, some have a strong preference for one gender over the other. We see this arise, for example, for cultural reasons or when a family already has multiple children of one gender and just wants to achieve gender diversity.
Multiple pregnancy is associated with certain increased risks for both mother and fetus. Many couples would prefer to avoid the risk of multiple pregnancy, but find themselves in a dilemma because they also want a high probability of success.
In IVF, multiple embryos are normally transferred in order to achieve acceptable success rates.
What do you do if your IVF cycle failed, even though high quality embryos were transferred into your uterus?
The first requirement for pregnancy success in IVF is to have a quality embryo. The second requirement is to have that embryo properly transferred into the uterus.
The third requirement is that the uterus must be receptive at the proper moment.
I am attending the annual international American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) conference in Orlando Florida. We are presenting a paper entitled ” Greater birthweight in autologous cycles using Frozen-Thawed embryos, when compared to cycles using fresh embryos , is not an embryonic effect of cryopreservation”.
In our ongoing research into the role of the uterus and endometrial receptivity in fertility,
When you are celebrating twenty-three years of birthdays, you must celebrate in a big way.
This year The Fertility Center of Las Vegas marked 23 fruitful years with A Family Fun Faire patient reunion. FCLV families past and present gathered, once again, at The Grove at Silk Purse for a day full of fun and games.
You want a baby. We understand. We have the experience to help. If you are looking for treatments such as; In vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI) or Intercytoplasmic Insemination (ICSI), we are expert at these assisted reproductive technologies and more. We, at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas,