Embryo donation gives hopeful parents the ultimate gift
UPDATE APRIL 2023: Our embryo donation program is currently on hold. Please check back at a later date.
After struggling with infertility, you understand what it feels like to want a baby. You know what it feels like to encounter one roadblock after another on your journey to become a parent. You also know what it feels like to finally welcome a bundle of joy after an IVF cycle.
If your IVF cycle created more embryos than your family needs, you have the opportunity to give a beautiful gift through embryo donation. Our Las Vegas fertility center has a donor embryo program that allows you to donate your embryos to help hopeful parents have the child they’ve always longed for.
How embryo donation works for donors at FCLV
After you’ve achieved your family-building goals, our Las Vegas fertility center allows you to place your extra embryos into our care for future embryo donation. This arrangement relieves you of the burden of frozen storage fees. It also gives your embryos a chance at life and a loving family.
All donations of embryos at FCLV are anonymous, and we handle the legal matters to protect you and the recipient of your donation. Our team’s goal is to make the process as easy as possible for all parties involved. You can even stipulate that only international patients can use your donated embryos. This can relieve any worries about these children running into your own in the future.
How embryo donation works for hopeful parents at FCLV
Hopeful parents who are interested in building a family through embryo donation can receive an embryo at no cost. They simply pay for the donated embryo transfer cycle fee, which includes all IVF and laboratory procedures, as well as FDA screening. As a result, the total cost is considerably less than the cost of a full IVF cycle.
All of the embryos in our program were created at our Las Vegas fertility center, which is one of the nation’s top fertility centers. This means that our program has very high pregnancy success rates.
Learn more about donating your embryos
Embryo donation is a beautiful gift. It allows hopeful parents to experience the joys of pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. It also gives donors peace of mind, so they know that their embryos have the opportunity to grow into healthy children with loving families. Our Las Vegas fertility center is honored to be a part of this amazing process.
If you are a former FCLV patient who would like to donate embryos, contact us to schedule an appointment to see if your embryos are eligible for donation.