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IVF & Surrogacy Consultations in China, August 23-September 6 中国:试管婴儿/代孕私密咨询 – 8月23-9月 6日
August 23, 2018 - September 6, 2018
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IVF & Surrogacy Consultations in China
The Fertility Center of Las Vegas will in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangzhou of China in August 23-September 6. Learn about third party IVF treatment options including IVF, US legal surrogacy, egg freeze, egg donation, genetic screening and gender selection. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please complete the registration form below, email at jzhou@fertilitycenterlv.com, or WeChat “joanne212”. Spaces are limited so contact us today to reserve your spot!
拉斯维加斯生殖中心将在8月23-9月 6日期间在中国北京、上海、浙江、广州(其他地区待定)举行一对一私密会诊咨询。如果您对试管婴儿、美国合法代孕、冷冻卵子、合法借卵、基因染色体疾病筛查、性别选择等项目感兴趣,请报名进行预约邮件联系 jzhou@fertilitycenterlv.com、或添加中文负责人微信号joanne212。—另外,拉斯维加斯生殖中心正在进行夏季优惠,对所有报名参与此次咨询会诊的客人,我们都提供1000美金的特别折扣。请尽快与我们进行联系预约吧!