The Fertility Center of Las Vegas

Les équipes du FCLV se déplacent en France, en Espagne et au Portugal

Spain , Spain

Si vous cherchez à fonder ou à agrandir votre famille grace à une fécondation in vitro (FIV), c’est l'occasion idéale de vous informer sur les différentes options disponibles aux États-Unis. Rencontrez des experts en matière de reproduction et découvrez les options qui s’ouvrent à vous pour fonder votre famille avec notamment : • Processus médical...

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Team FCLV will be in France, Spain & Portugal

If you are looking to start or grow your family with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) - this is the perfect opportunity to learn about the affordable and highly successful treatment options available in the United States. Meet reproductive experts and learn about your family building options including: IVF medical process and treatment options...

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El equipo FCLV estará en España

Spain , Spain

Charla gratuita y consultas privadas en España. El Centro de Fertilidad de Las Vegas ofrecerá una charla gratuita y consultas privadas para los futuros padres interesados en conocer los tratamientos de construcción familiar altamente exitosos y asequibles en los Estados Unidos. Si está buscando comenzar o completar a su familia usando óvulos de donantes, gestación subrogada, pruebas genéticas o selección de género,...

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A equipe do FCLV estará em Lisboa, Portugal

Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal

Chat grátis e consultas privadas em Lisboa, Portugal. O Centro de Fertilidade de Las Vegas oferecerá uma conversa grátis e consultas privadas para futuros pais interessados ​​em conhecer os tratamentos bem-sucedidos e acessíveis de construção familiar nos Estados Unidos. As informações serão apresentadas por profissionais da indústria e pacientes experientes em inglês e espanhol. Se...

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台北、北京、上海 – FCLV三月期待与您见面

拉斯维加斯生殖中心将在三月在台北、北京、上海与各位准父母见面、进行一对一私密试管婴儿/代孕咨询活动。 如果您对试管婴儿、美国合法代孕、冷冻卵子、合法借卵、PGS/NGS基因染色体疾病筛查、性别选择等项目感兴趣,请与我们预约提前预留您的咨询时间。 您的一对一私密咨询会诊,将包括: 与拉斯维加斯生殖中心的中文代表进行面对面咨询 了解美国试管婴儿、合法代孕的全流程 解惑美国合法辅助生殖: 代孕、冷冻卵子、借卵、借精、HIV男性 PGS/NGS基因染色体疾病筛查 了解您的医学史和家庭计划 在私密环境下提出您的任何问题 安排您赴美前的准备工作 优先免费获得与院长Bruce Shapiro博士视频面诊的机会 免费获得抵达美国后的华人司机接送机服务 【所有报名参加的客人,均能获得$1000美金的优惠折扣】 请您填写以下信息进行报名。 您也可以添加中文顾客主管的微信号预约报名: joanne212 请尽快与我们联系进行预约吧!

Egg Donation and Surrogacy Events in the UK

London London, United Kingdom

Egg Donation and Surrogacy Events in the UK March 29, 2019 The Fertility Center of Las Vegas will be co-hosting surrogacy and egg donation family building events in the UK. Attendees will learn about: IVF medical process and treatment options including egg donation, surrogacy, genetic screening and gender selection Screening and selection of the egg...

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Dr. Bedient presenting at Rock 4 Health in Tivoli Village

Tivoli Village 400 South Rampart Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Dr. Carrie Bedient will be joined by celebrity guest speaker Emily Simpson, from Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Orange County", who will discuss her personal experience with infertility and how she built her family with the help of a fertility specialist. Co-hosting the event will be Mrs. Nevada-America contestant Amanda Klein, who has also struggled with infertility....

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Egg Donation and Surrogacy Events in NYC

New York City Manhattan, NY, United States

The Fertility Center of Las Vegas will be hosting a weekend of surrogacy and egg donation family building events in New York City. If you are looking to build your family with the help of an egg donor and/or a surrogate - this is the perfect opportunity to obtain information from experts in the field...

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Team FCLV is coming to Germany March 4th – 10th

Germany , Germany

The Fertility Center of Las Vegas will offer free informational seminars and private consultations for prospective parents interested in learning about the highly successful and affordable treatment options available in the United States to build their family. Reserve your spot today! If you are looking to begin or complete your family using in vitro fertilization,...

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Webinar: Selecting the Best IVF Clinic & Surrogacy Agency for YOU

Join our free virtual session in the privacy of your own home and learn how to choose the best IVF clinic & surrogacy agency for YOU! About this Event Are you considering parenthood through surrogacy and IVF? Do you often ask yourself how do I choose the best clinic and/or agency with so many to...

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