We offer many fertility treatments for lesbian couples, including IUI and IVF
When two women want to become mothers, our Las Vegas fertility center helps guide them through all their family building options, which range from intrauterine insemination (IUI) to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
- IUI, also known as artificial insemination, involves inserting washed and prepared sperm into the uterus of the woman who will carry the pregnancy. Depending on your needs, you may take fertility medications as part of IUI.
- IVF is a highly effective, multi-step process that requires a woman to take fertility medications for ovarian stimulation and undergo an outpatient egg retrieval procedure. Our team will fertilize her eggs with sperm in the IVF lab and her doctor will transfer one of the resulting embryos.
- Reciprocal IVF allows both partners to take part in the fertility journey. One woman will provide her eggs and the other woman will undergo the embryo transfer and carry the baby.
Keep in mind that each of these LGBTQ fertility treatments will include the use of donor sperm. Our team can guide you through the process of selecting a donor, regardless of whether you opt to go through a sperm bank or rely on someone you know to be your donor.